Defiant Group
Doing it different.
Be in the Black.

Phone Retention
Boost your Bottom Line

The Phone.
If every sales person knew the potential weapon that sits in front of them, and how to use it,they would all be flush with cash and you wouldn't be here.
The bottom line is, 99% of sales people don't know the potential for sales on the phone, and even more common, they are not nearly qualified to be cold calling customers, only to ruin any chance to turn any of those calls into sales burning your list and any potential for a seasoned sales person to reel them in.
For ZERO OVERHEAD, book a telephone retention sale today, and have a tea, of exceptionally talented sales people, fill your showroom with customers, and our management team will maximize gross profit, all without the $20,000.00 add budget.
The intelligent, no risk way to boost your net-profiit incrementally.
Defiants Sales Excellence
We strive for excellence here at Defiant Group, which is why were always trying to find new ways to motivate our team.
Unlike "the others", we demand professionalism from our team-members to deliver a service you can count on!